This is assorted memorabilia from the storm.


The following is a special publication from Northern States Power Company - Wisconsin (DBA XCel Energy), put together by Dennis Blang, about NSP Wisconsin's response to the storm (courtesy Brian Elwood):

Cover  Page 2  Page 3 Photo 4  Page 5  Page 6 

Page 7  Page 8  Page 9 Page 10  Page 11

This is a newsletter from Northern States Power Company (DBA XCel Energy) that also detailed NSP's response to the storm (courtesy Stan Radunzel):

Cover  Page 2  Page 3 Photo 4  Page 5

This is the website of Robin Dutter, who's story is in the book.  She's collected weather-related pictures and stories HERE.

This is a website that examines electrical discharges preceeding severe weather.  It can be found HERE.

On Saturday, July 23, 2005, a severe thunderstrom tore through western Wisconsin.  Some compared it to the storm of 1980 -- it did have one of the larger impacts of any storm since then, with power out for over a day in some areas, a need for ice, many trees down, and people hooking up power lines across the street to help neighbors (like 1980).  However, it was still nothing like 1980!  Country Jam was going on that weekend, and one of the WAXX-FM DJs took pictures of the storm as it came through.  They can be found on the WAXX website HERE.